Tuesday Aug 27, 2024
It’s All About Food - Erika Hazel The Bizerkeley Food Festival
Erika Hazel The Bizerkeley Food Festival
The Bizerkeley Vegan is the moniker of vegan entrepreneur Erika Hazel after she transitioned to the vegan lifestyle in Berkeley, California in 2016. Urban Dictionary defines “Berzerkeley” as a slang term used to describe the beautiful politically and socially liberal mecca that is the city of Berkeley (berserk + Berkeley). After growing up hearing the nickname for years, Erika adopted the Bizerkeley Vegan denomination because she interpreted it as ‘bizarre Berkeley’ meaning unique, unconventional and extraordinary, which is how the city of Berkeley makes her feel. She is a nationally recognized vegan businesswoman, recipe creator, magazine contributor and philanthropist. As a vegan food expert, Erika is always discovering the best vegan cuisine to share with her family and social media followers to make the world a more vegan place, one bite at a time. The Bizerkeley Vegan is not only a popular social media influencer and food blogger, but also specializes in events, consultations and speaking engagements. Erika‘s goal is to engage with people to help them find the best plant-based foods the world has to offer. For more information, visit www.thebizerkeleyvegan.com or follow @itserikahazel on Instagram.