Tuesday Jun 07, 2016
It’s All About Food – Jonathan Balcombe and Erin Orr – 06.07.16
Part I: Jonathan Balcombe, What A Fish Knows
Jonathan Balcombe is the director of animal sentience at the Humane Society Institute for Science and Policy and the author of four previous books, including Second Nature and Pleasurable Kingdom. Visit his website at www.jonathanbalcombe.com and follow him on Twitter at @pumilla66.
Part II: Erin Orr, Secret Estate Illuminati Ball
Erin Orr is a chef, storyteller, puppeteer and educator based in Brooklyn. She endeavors to create experiences that encourage and foster community — whether they are crafted from food, with words or via visual spectacle. She maintains the food blog Big Sis Little Dish, where she shares original, adapted and passed on recipes and stories about the memories and gatherings connected to them. She is currently executive chef for Cynthia von Buhler’s immersive theater excursion “The Illuminati Ball.” For this she’s assembled an eight-course vegan tasting menu that guests of the ongoing event series continue to concur is both delicious and satisfying.