Tuesday Feb 19, 2019
It's All About Food - Gary De Mattei, Do it Yourself and Make Your Own
Listen: Tuesday, February 19, 2019, 4pm ET by going to PRN, The Progressive Radio Network.
* Leave comments and questions on the PRN voicemail line, 862-800-6805, with your name, the name of this show, It’s All About Food, and your question to be answered on the next program.
* Listen by phone to hear the live broadcast at 1-712-775-6850.
* Call Caryn’s personal archive number to hear the most recent five episodes of It’s All About Food: 1-701-719-0885.
Gary De Mattei, Do it Yourself and Make Your Own
Gary De Mattei, Responsible Eating And Living (REAL) co-founder returns to talk with Caryn about getting organized in the kitchen; repairing and renovating instead of throwing away and buying new; making your own foods like tofu and soy milk to minimize plastic packaging.