Tuesday Nov 24, 2020
It's All About Food - Hartglass & De Mattei, Okara Magic, Metamorphosis and Gratitude
* Leave comments and questions on the PRN voicemail line, 862-800-6805, with your name, the name of this show, It’s All About Food, and your question to be answered on the next program.
* Listen by phone to hear the live broadcast at 1-712-775-6850.
* Call Caryn’s personal archive number to hear the most recent five episodes of It’s All About Food: 1-701-719-0885.
Hartglass & De Mattei, Okara Magic, Metamorphosis and Gratitude
Hartglass & De Mattei are grateful to be back to talk about Gratitude, plus environmentally friendly personal care products like shampoo in bars, dental hygiene and new REAL recipes like Okuna Okara Salad and Okara Chorizo. Find out about the upcoming Cook Along with the Swingin’ Gourmets!
LINKS mentioned in the program:
Swingin’ Gourmets Cook Along
South River Miso
Food to Live
Waterpik Cordless Flossers
Ecodent Gentle Floss