Wednesday May 13, 2020
It's All About Food - Hartglass & De Mattei: The ABCs of food starting with Apples, Beans, and Cassava.
Hartglass & De Mattei: The ABCs of food starting with Apples, Beans, and Cassava
Caryn and Gary re-script the ABCs (and DEFs) of food you definitely need to know about while in quarantine: making vegan, whole-food-plant-based Apple Cake and Apple Sauce; Bean Burgers; using Cassava Flour and Corn Masa Harina for tortillas.
Links discussed this podcast:
Nutritional Yeast Is for Hippies. ‘Nooch’ Is for Everyone.
Meat is not essential. Why are we killing for it? by Jonathan Safran Foer.
Listen to Caryn’s interview with Jonathan Safran Foer.
Sweet Potato Cassava Tortilla recipe