Wednesday Jan 20, 2021
It's All About Food - Hartglass & DeMattei, Cepes, Crêpes and Celebrating Veganuary
Hartglass & DeMattei, Cepes and Crêpes and Celebrating Veganuary
Caryn Hartglass and Gary DeMattei are in the studio at Responsible Eating And Living Headquarters to talk to you about cepes and crêpes and the importance of terroir when it comes to the flavor in food, on land and in the sea. They’ll also be giving delicious Veganuary food tips.
Links and recipes mentioned in the program:
Veganuary Interview with co-founders Matthew Glover and Jane Land
Cabbage and fermented vegetables: From death rate heterogeneity in countries to candidates for mitigation strategies of severe COVID‐19
REAL Vegan-Style Meatloaf
Buckwheat Crêpes