Wednesday Aug 19, 2020
It's All About Food - Richard H, Schwartz, PhD, New Year for Animals - 08.18.20
Richard H. Schwartz is the author of Judaism and Vegetarianism, Judaism and Global Survival, Who Stole My Religion? Revitalizing Judaism and Applying Jewish Values to Help Heal our Imperiled Planet, and Mathematics and Global Survival, and over 250 articles and 25 podcasts at JewishVeg.com/schwartz. He is president emeritus of Jewish Veg, formerly known as Jewish Vegetarians of North America and president of the Society of Ethical and Religious Vegetarians. In 1987, he was selected as Jewish Vegetarian of the Year by JVNA. In 2005, he was inaugurated into the North American Vegetarian Society’s Hall of Fame. He is a patron of the International Jewish Vegetarian Society. He was married in 1960 and has 3 children and ten grandchildren and one great grandchild.
In the second part of the program, Hartglass & De Mattei reflect on the idea of re-imagining holidays and events to bring sense and purpose in today’s world.