Wednesday May 25, 2011
The GreenFreeze Campaign
with Amy Larkin Amy Larkin is an award-winning entrepreneur and producer who has launched cultural institutions, co-founded one of the first affinity-marketing businesses, and been involved with Greenpeace for 30 years--as a board member, adviser and, since 2005, as Director of Greenpeace Solutions, leading the international organization’s financial and business initiatives. Amy co-founded Message!Check Corp. (City of Seattle’s 1989 Small Business of the Year), producing checks that carry the messages of nonprofits. Message!Check in turn provided over $10 million in license fees to its nonprofit clients in the late 1980s. In the 1990s, Amy also served as Executive Producer of Fabrica, Benetton’s Institute of Arts and Communication, in Italy. She created the program plan for the City of San Jose’s $500 million Civic Center (designed by Richard Meier), and launched the Real Estate Initiative for the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council following September 11th. For Greenpeace, Amy has been quoted and interviewed in The Washington Post, Newsweek, Reuters, Bloomberg, Greenbiz, NPR, CNBC, and others. She currently serves as the Chair of the Board of the ARChive of Contemporary Music, the largest collection of contemporary music in the world.